Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Congratulations Nina!!!

Nina has lost 15 lbs! And she is now working out at a gym.... Y'all have to go read about it on her blog. What an evangelistic opportunity for them! Pray for her and Michael as they serve the Lord in Portugal. God is good and His timing is perfect! Go read Nina's post today and Nina, congratulations!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Congratulations Dani Joy!

I just want to take a moment to congratulate Dani Joy on losing 10 lbs! Yes! 10 lbs! She was faithful and committed. Made a plan, stuck to that plan. Asked God for strength. She follows this blog along with several others. She was "disciplined to finish the race..."

Congratulations Dani Joy! We are proud of you! Go by her blog and say "Hi"!
