Monday, February 27, 2012

Tips for Lowering Stress and Blood Pressure

Last week was some week!  I started w/a sugar fast.  And did not have the discipline to hang in there.  I will try again though.  Not sure when.  I did not begin with a prayerful purpose.  In the past, I always did that and God lead me through the fast. 

I also had a check up w/the cardiologist.  He is pleased w/my progress and told me I can increase my cardio getting my heart rate up to about 120 - maybe even 130!  That will help with some of the fluid retention and weight gain. 

Blood pressure medicine will cause fluid retention. So will a sedentary life or day in your life.   Staying busy is key.  And it is great to finally have the energy and stamina to stay busy.  Including being able to more than dusting, light house keeping and .... as most of you know (or may not know) I am a freelance photographer.  While editing is sedentary, shooting is almost an athletic event.  LOL!  Especially with a 1 or 2 year old child.  LOL! 

Today I have some tips for lowering blood pressure and stress:
  • A walk.  Just at your own pace.  Check with your doctor first and make sure he/she clarify how much, etc.
  • If you are able to care for one, get a pet.  There is nothing that will bring blood pressure and de-stress you like petting and loving a pet.   Do keep in mind that house-training a dog or puppy can increase your stress and blood pressure. 
  • Stretching exercises.  Lite Pilates or Yoga.  Anything like that.  Nothing intense.
  • Working on a hobby, craft, cooking.  I find cleaning my kitchen counter tops relaxes me. 
  • Gardening.  
  • Spending quality time with your family/spouse.
  • A trip.  (We went to Walt Disney World the week of Thanksgiving. We enjoyed it at a slow pace and we loved it!)
  • Walk away from business that will be "not worth it".  If you can tell in the initial client interview/consult that they will be high maintenance, don't take them as a client.  I know, hard to do in this economy, but you will be glad that you did.
  • Take your meds.  Everyday and on schedule.
  • Lower your sodium intake.  We only need about 2300 mg a day.  The average American takes in 3500 mg or more a day.  A heart patient could stand to take even a tad less than 2300 mg a day.  Read your labels.  You will be surprised at how much you will take in w/processed foods.  
  • Let it go!  That is any bitterness, anger, etc. that you might be harboring.  Just let it go.  Give it to God.  Let things, words, etc. roll off of you.  If there is a person who gets under your skin (deliberately or otherwise), just stay away from them. 
If you have other tips for lowering blood pressure and stress, please feel free to share them by posting them in the comments section.

Have a blessed day!

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